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Electronics in Meccano Privacy Statement
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Electronics in Meccano is a responsible publication and we will never use your personal information for purposes unrelated to the website, nor will we ever give your details to any third party. We hate spam email just as much as you do!

Here is a full breakdown of the way our website collects and uses your information...

Data Collection
  • Members creating yourEiM accounts will be asked to provide the following personal details: Full Name, Age, Occupation, Country, Email Address, Username and Password. Of these items, all are optional except the Username and Password which must be supplied to uniquely identify the member when using yourEiM features.
  • Members who do not supply an email address will not be able to use email-related yourEiM features.
Data Usage
  • Members Usernames will be used to identify individual members in message board postings unless otherwise specified in Account Settings.
  • Members Full Names will not be displayed in message board postings unless specified in Account Settings.
  • Members Email Addresses will not be displayed in message board postings unless specified in Account Settings.
  • Members and visitors are advised not to display their email addresses in their message board messages since these could be read by other websites and visitors and added to spam email lists.
  • Members creating yourEiM accounts will be added to the Electronics in Meccano email mailing list which may occasionally notify members of changes and additions to the Electronics in Meccano website. Members may opt-out of this mailing list by changing the option in Account Settings.
  • Members who opt-out of the Electronics in Meccano mailing list may still use other email-related yourEiM features.
  • Age, Occupation, and Country data will only be used to compile statistical information about yourEiM members. This data will never be displayed in conjunction with other member data.
  • Members email addresses, postal addresses, and personal details contained in the Electronics in Meccano member database will never be disclosed to any third party, nor used for any purpose unrelated to the running and purpose of the Electronics in Meccano website.
Data Access and Correction
  • Members may request a copy of all information held by Electronics in Meccano in relation to their yourEiM account.
  • Members may request the correction of incorrect personal information in relation to their yourEiM account.

To request any of the above, members should contact the Editor (see 'Contact Details' below). The request will be processed within a reasonable time period.

Data Deletion
  • Members may request automated deletion of their yourEiM account, including all personal information stored online, by logging into their account, and choosing the Delete Your Account option in Account Settings. This will not immediately delete personal information stored in offline backups, but these backups may eventually be deleted.
  • Members may request manual deletion of their yourEiM account, including all personal information stored both online and in offline backups, by contacting the Editor (see 'Contact Details' below). Their request will be processed within a reasonable time period.
Data Retention
  • yourEiM member accounts are retained in perpetuity. Members may delete their accounts (see above).
Use of Cookies

A 'cookie' is a small amount of data sent to your computer by a website and stored by your web browser so that the data may be accessed by the same website in the future. Personal information is not normally stored in a cookie, but information about which pages on a website you have visited could be stored. If you become a member of a website, a code uniquely identifying you to the website can be stored in a cookie so that you do not have to log back into the website every time you visit. Web browsers do not, however, allow the data in a cookie sent by one website to be returned to another website, so websites you visit cannot determine which other websites you have been visiting.

The Electronics in Meccano website uses its own cookie for login identification purposes only. You can define how the website uses cookies by using the options under Account Settings on the Member Details page...

  • Set a cookie on my computer...
    If this option is enabled, a cookie will be stored on any computer that you use to access your account. This means you only have to enter your password to log in, since your username is already known. This option is enabled by default when you create a yourEiM account.
  • Log me in automatically...
    If you are the only user of your computer, you may want to enable this option.  You can then use your account without entering your username or password. This setting should not be enabled if you share a computer or use a public computer, since other people would be able to access your account. This option is disabled by default when you create a yourEiM account.

Remember that you can delete all the cookies that websites send to your computer (see your web browser help for details). If you do this, you will of course have to type in your username/password again the next time you visit Electronics in Meccano, as the website won't know who you are!

Third-party scripts in use use on the Electronics in Meccano website may also set cookies and track your usage of the website. Examples include but may not be limited to:

  • Google Analytics, which collects anonymous statistics about your visit, such as which pages you viewed.
  • Google AdSense and DoubleClick, which serve advertisements on the website.
  • AddThis, which provides social media sharing features and may notify social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter that you visited the website, if you use their services.
Contact Details

Revised 3rd May 2018

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